Gestalt in Tennis

gestalt miki puccioni mindfulness

Miki Puccioni explains coaching based on mindful-breathing and Gestalt, the therapeutic approach drawing on the awareness of the 'here and now'. 

Michele ‘Miki’ Puccioni was a foreign correspondent based in London for 20 years – then deep passion took over and in 2014 he jumped into full-time tennis coaching, never looking back. In 2018 he progressed to Senior Club Coach level, and has since developed an interest in the mental/emotional area of the game. After studies in sport psychology and psychotherapeutic skills, Miki is now working with a new approach to coaching based on mindful-breathing and Gestalt, the therapeutic theory centred on the awareness of the ‘here and now’.

Miki works at Hackney Tennis, London. His research into Gestalt in Tennis being published in Coaching & Sport Science Review.

Additional resources and reading

Contact Miki

Miki Puccioni can be contacted at [email protected] and there is more information can be found at:

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