Challenges to progression of female tennis coaches

emily white female coaches

inspire2coach is actively exploring ways to improve the level of participation of women in coaching roles at all levels. So, we were pleased to provide a platform for Emily White, a student of Physical Education and Sports Coaching Science at the University of Worcester, to talk to us about her university dissertation on, “What are perceived to be the most significant challenges to progression through coaching qualifications for female tennis coaches?”  

For this study, Emily asked a set of female coaches of varying qualification level a set of questions to understand their experiences of coach education and things that could improve it for them in the future. 

Emily's study identified the main barriers were time, financial concerns and support for job opportunities/ daily challenges. It's clear from our discussion with Emily that this is the tip of the iceberg for the discussions that need to be happening across the tennis industry. Inspire2coach is aware from our own coaching team that experiences will vary for coaches – particularly during different stages of their life and career. Emily herself is hoping to continue learning about the issues facing female coaches in tennis after she completes her degree.  

Identified interventions include easily accessible support/ mentors without the financial attachment, financial support for courses (e.g., loans and grants) and alterations in the course structure (e.g., time, location, duration split and online/ face-to-face delivery). 

Look out for further action from inspire2coach on this front. In the coming months we will be engaging on many levels with current and prospective female workforce to better understand the challenges and to lead the way in finding meaningful solutions for the industry.

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